Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

This is the last day of the year 2009, and it has been an eventful year for all of us here at Borneo Echo Streams Sdn Bhd. This year BES implemented steps to incorporate a large new section for fish and plant export that stems from our vision to introduce to the world the beautiful fishes and aquatic plants of Sarawak, Sabah and Kalimantan. We are working in the interiors of Borneo with communities to create opportunities to care for both human and nature through sustainable and responsible projects based on the exports of their products. We continue to work towards our goals and look forward in 2010 that Borneo's best and new ornamental tropical fishes and aquatic plants will also be the pride and joy of many hobbyist around the world.

Let me take this opportunity to thank all our supporters, customers and readers and wish you a very Happy New Year. May the New Year ushers God's blessings for you and your family!


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Betta Macrostoma

The King of Wild Bettas, there is really not many wild bettas that is as beautiful and majestic as the Betta Macrostoma. These large mouthbrooders can grow till the size of 5 or 6 inches in the wild and should be kept in well filtered large aquariums with plants, driftwood and rocks. The ideal pH is 5.2 with a temperature of 25C. They will eat small shrimps, earthworms and high protein pellets. Weekly water change and monitoring of the water quality is essential to keeping these rare bettas in prime conditions.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Seasons Greetings!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May your holidays be filled with love, joy and peace. From all of us here at Borneo Echo Streams.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Betta Rutilans

Betta Rutilans from Kalimantan Barat is one of the small Betta from the freshwater peat swamps in that region. Their wine reddish colors actually helps camouflage them in the shallow blackwater streams. Their habitat is similar to those of Betta Brownorum and other members from the Coccina group. They are generally bubblenesters but have been known to mouthbrood as well. They can be kept in community but needs lots of hiding places and space as fighting occurs during spawning condition.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Betta Dimidiata

These Bettas have such beautiful long fins and just as the Krataois, their spawning colors can be really stunning. Sometimes found in the same area where we collect Betta Krataois, these fishes distinct themselves from the stouter Krataois and spots longer and large lancelot tailfin. These fishes will thrive in any Wabi-Kusa style aquariums with dense vegetations. I will try to post better photos as soon as possible.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Betta Krataois

Betta Krataois is a member from the Dimidiata group was identified and described by Tan Heok Hui and Peter KL Ng in 2006. Krataois from Greek means strong and this Betta sure spots a stout strong body. This fish is endemic to the area at Sanggau in West Kalimantan. What distincts it from the Betta Dimidiata is it's shorter fins. This fish is extremely colorful during spawning condition and like most wild collected fishes from Borneo prefers soft cool and acidic waters.

I hope you are enjoying your visits to this blog as I work to bring more photos of fishes and plants from this region in the coming weeks.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Vesicularia Dubyana Moss

One of the most popular plant amongst planted aquarium keepers are moss. They add colors and soften the look of the tank. Wrapped around rocks or driftwoods, they add to the beauty of the aquarium. In breeding fishes, they are essential too as fries often source infusoria derived from the moss.

In the tropical rainforest of Borneo, there are many types of moss found in our jungles, especially around the edges of waterfalls and mountain streams.